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State-sanctioned torture in Israeli detention

Ma’an – 02/11/2010

RAMALLAH — PA Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs Issa Qaraqe released new information Monday revealing cases of child torture under Israeli interrogation.

The announcement came one day ahead of the release of an Israeli rights group document charging Israel with “state sanctioned ill-treatment of interrogees” in at least one detention facility in Petah Tikva, in central Israel.

Qaraqe outlined the case of 13-year-old sixth graders Muhammad Tare Abdul Latif Mukhaimar, and Muhammad Nasser Ali Radwan from the central West Bank town of Beit Ur At-Tahta. Both were detained by Israeli forces in July, he said, and related their stories of torture to officials.

Mukhaimar and Radwan said they were taken by Israeli border guards patrolling sections of Highway 443, a previously settler-only road which was installed with additional checkpoints when an Israeli court decision mandated that it be opened for Palestinian use. When he was forced into a patrol car, Mukhaimar said he was kicked in the legs and beaten with rifle butts until he fell to the floor. The boy said he was then blindfolded and moved to the detention center.

According to the joint B’Tselem and HaMoked report, testimonies from 121 detainees “indicate a clear pattern of activity by the authorities,” which “constitutes cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment.”

Taken to the same detention facility detailed in the report, Mukhaimar said he and Radwan were locked by border guards naked in the facility bathroom and kept there for two days with the air conditioning on.

He was so thirsty, he said, that he and Radwan drank the toilet water. Whenever they became sleepy guards would bang on the door to the room and wake them up, he added.

“The most awful thing that happened, was when the soldiers went to the bathroom, they peed on us and did not use the toilet,” Mukhaimar said, adding that one of the soldiers videotaped the incident.

The two said that after at least 48 hours in the washroom, they were transferred to the Binyamin settlement detention facility, where they were questioned from 10 p.m. until 3 a.m. They were then transferred to the Ofer prison for three months then to Remonim prison. They remain in custody pending trial.

Testimonies from the two children were in line with revelations in the report from the rights groups, which said violations against detainees “begin from the moment of their arrest and continue until the detainee’s transfer from the facility.”

According to the collected testimony, “violations include cruel detention conditions in sealed cells, in isolation and disgraceful hygienic conditions, continuous cuffing of detainees’ hands in the interrogation room in a way that makes it impossible for them to move, sleep deprivation, and other methods that harm the detainees physically and mentally.

“Nine percent of the witnesses related that the interrogators used physical violence against them in the interrogation room.”

The report noted that “the use of any one of these means, certainly their combined use, constitutes cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment, and in some instances, torture. All are strictly forbidden under international law and Israeli law.”

Qaraqe said the ministry will file a complaint against the Israeli soldiers involved in the torture of Mukhaimar and Radwan, and their ill-treatment was denounced in the Monday cabinet meeting of the Palestinian Authority.

A statement from the cabinet said “the repressive practices and measures by the occupation authorities” against children were in “violation of international law, human rights conventions relating to children.” Ministers called on rights institutions and the UN to “shoulder its legal and humanitarian efforts to protect our children and our prisoners from brutal Israeli practices against them in prisons and detention centers.”

State sanctioned ill-treatment

Findings of the rights group report, however, indicated there was little hope for justice at the Israeli courts.

Since 2001, the report noted, “Palestinians interrogated by ISA agents have filed 645 complaints to the Ministry of Justice regarding the manner in which they were interrogated. Not one of the complaints led to a criminal investigation against the interrogator.”

The rights groups said the continued use of torture and ill-treatment against Palestinian detainees is justified by the state “by claiming the actions are necessary to thwart serious acts of terrorism.”

However, analysts with the groups said “This claim does not warrant violation of the absolute prohibition on torture and cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment,” and added that “Israel’s attempts to divert the public debate to what it refers to as the ‘ticking-bomb dilemma’ is artificial.”

Analysts cite the testimonies of detainees like Mukhaimar and Radwan who were not suspected of serious offenses. Some of the witnesses interviewed for the report were accused of acts political or religious in nature, it said, and prison sentences ranged from a few months to two years at most.

“The ill-treatment of the detainees continued after their interrogation ended,” the report continued, “refuting the claim that the means of interrogation chosen were intended to thwart acts of terrorism.”

November 2, 2010 - Posted by | Civil Liberties, Subjugation - Torture


  1. ZioTurd jews won’t ever pick a fair fight. They have to shoot children in the head at point blank range to prove their manhood…then take out their buck knives and harvest the warm, bleeding organs for sale.

    when they did the ‘shake and bake’ op in Gaza, they decided that fried palestinians tasted just like ‘fried chicken’ but forgot that the WP won’t go out long enough for you to sink your teeth into the tender just murdered that was a bust.


    Comment by TYPICAL COWARDLY JEWS AGAIN | November 2, 2010 | Reply

  2. Their Talmudic indoctrination makes them brainwashed murderers with a superiority complex, a danger to the whole world, look at the contempt for collateral damage when they released the Stuxnet virus, many countries were affected, do they care for loss of goy (you) lives? Not at all.


    Comment by Moshe | November 2, 2010 | Reply

  3. The jewish talMUD says the NON-jewish goyim are SUB-human cattle and excrement. So, torturing them is as stepping on an insect. This tribe is a STENCH in the nostrils of mankind. which they try to cover up with a mask of victimhood. http://www.MASKofZION.COM WAKE UP, WORLD! to those who consider themselves to be the MASTER race!!!


    Comment by The ONLY humans | November 3, 2010 | Reply

  4. So what happens when the Israelis wipe Palestine off the map. Everything will be ok then, right? I read something interesting yesterday. According to historian David Irving, major Zionists in the German banking industry, enthusiastically supported Hitler when he was up and coming. So it was not ideology that turned the Jews against Hitler, it was something else. Apparently the “superman” ideology is a Jewish thing also. Once the


    Comment by John | November 3, 2010 | Reply

  5. If Americans ever wake up and realize what Zionism has done to their country, Israel is going to vanish and probably all of the Jews in North America as well. Most of these people are “innocent” but, unfortuantely, especially when it comes to these people, ONE BAD APPLE SPOILS THE BUNCH. They need to be gone from this country, if for nothing else than for their own safety because if Americans ever learn the truth about the Zionist 9/11 attacks, Americans aren’t going to be too picky about distinguishing Jews from Zionists, and they probably shouldn’t either. Death to the Zionist criminal enterprise called “Israel”.


    Comment by Ian | November 3, 2010 | Reply

  6. I really do hope israhell will act arrogant & inhumane again with the next flotilla, they will be wooped ass for once and all times, military will be involved next time if I am correct, you in that shitty little state will get what you deserve all along with that shitty terrorist government of yours, we dont forget as our Arab brothers do frequently, you have all collectively opened the pandora box, unless you manage to do the “fake alien invasion” card sing right on time…


    Comment by s | November 3, 2010 | Reply

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