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Geithner scuppered IMF plan to impose haircut on Irish debt

WakeUpFromYourSlumber | May 8, 2011

According to Morgan Kelly, a highly-respected Irish economist, In November 16th 2010, the rarely-altruistic IMF suggested that unguaranteed bonds in failing Irish banks should be given a haircut by an average of two-thirds.  This plan, which would have lessened the penury imposed on the Irish taxpayer, was apparently scuppered by one Timothy Geithner, US Treasury Secretary and Don of the Wall Street Mafia.  Kelly describes this and more in his op-ed piece in the Irish Times of May 7th 2011, part of which is quoted below

On November 16th, European finance ministers urged [finance minister Brian] Lenihan to accept a bailout to stop the panic spreading to Spain and Portugal, but he refused, arguing that the Irish government was funded until the following summer. Although attacked by the Irish media for this seemingly delusional behaviour, Lenihan, for once, was doing precisely the right thing. Behind Lenihan’s refusal lay the thinly veiled threat that, unless given suitably generous terms, Ireland could hold happily its breath for long enough that Spain and Portugal, who needed to borrow every month, would drown….

Ireland’s Last Stand began less shambolically than you might expect. The IMF, which believes that lenders should pay for their stupidity before it has to reach into its pocket, presented the Irish with a plan to haircut €30 billion of unguaranteed bonds by two-thirds on average. Lenihan was overjoyed, according to a source who was there, telling the IMF team: “You are Ireland’s salvation.”

The deal was torpedoed from an unexpected direction. At a conference call with the G7 finance ministers, the haircut was vetoed by US treasury secretary Timothy Geithner who, as his payment of $13 billion from government-owned AIG to Goldman Sachs showed, believes that bankers take priority over taxpayers. The only one to speak up for the Irish was UK chancellor George Osborne, but Geithner, as always, got his way. An instructive, if painful, lesson in the extent of US soft power, and in who our friends really are.

The negotiations went downhill from there. On one side was the European Central Bank, unabashedly representing Ireland’s creditors and insisting on full repayment of bank bonds. On the other was the IMF, arguing that Irish taxpayers would be doing well to balance their government’s books, let alone repay the losses of private banks. And the Irish? On the side of the ECB, naturally.

May 9, 2011 - Posted by | Corruption, Economics

1 Comment »

  1. this is all about the Rothschilds banksters keeping the entire EU in the USURY FOLD like the ignorant sheep they are. anyone who dare bail on the debt to these scum will suffer at the hands of the INFLATION CREATING FILTH aka Geithner and his boss and fellow co-conspirator, Ben ‘helicopter with debt/USURY bombs dropping on everyone’ Bernanke.



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