Aletho News


On History and Intellectual Courage

Empire Strikes Black | July 6, 2012


I want to talk about something which is taboo yet cliche. It is widely accepted yet universally denied. Those who talk about this are ridiculed as conspiracy theorists and racists. On the other hand, many people freely admit this reality but dismiss it as inconsequential and ‘the way it is’.

Jews dominate Hollywood, the global news media, and the global financial system. By extension it is often argued that ‘Jews run the world’. Essentially, one group of people with a unifying ideology and vested interest, is controlling the institutions by which we receive news. In addition to this, the film industry and cinematic media is something which we develop a very profound emotional attachment to and identify with closely. In other words, we are talking about an instrument of brainwashing. Is this not something we should talk about? If, for example, Hollywood, the global news media, and our ‘fiat money’ financial institutions were dominated by Arab Muslims, would we perceive this as a problem?

Of course we would, and rightly so. But this is not the case currently – we are afraid of speaking out and tackling this. Why?

What other group would be capable of attacking the world’s most powerful superpower, killing thousands in a sophisticated terror attack, and get away with it, blaming it on someone else? 9/11 is but one example, the USS Liberty is another. Most Americans have not even heard about the Liberty – a false flag attack designed to draw the USA into nuclear war with Soviet Russia.

The truth of the matter is, Jews are largely exempted from criticism in the West, and this runs much much deeper than any of us care to admit. Most people reading this are subconsciously thinking: ‘He just hates Jews because he’s Muslim’, ‘He’s a conspiracy theorist and he’s got nothing better to do’. Well, no I don’t hate Jews. No I’m not Muslim. No I’m not a ‘conspiracy theorist’ either; I am merely trying to exercise intellectual courage. We are constantly singing the praises of freedom, liberalism and democracy, but we are nothing more than a servile herd of cattle when it comes to being intellectually courageous. Our claims of love for democracy and freedom are utterly hollow without this.

Even the more ‘enlightened’ activists and bloggers (no point talking about the bought-and-paid-for mainstreamers) are more obsessed with catering to their readers’ ignorance and stroking their own ego, than performing an honest appraisal of these issues. Let’s be honest – it’s nice to get lots of ‘likes’ and to be patted on the back by your nodding, agreeing peers. To paraphrase Mark Twain, if you find yourself on the side of the majority, then it’s time to check yourself.

It is clear – talking about this issue makes one severely unpopular. This fact alone is a startling clue as to the underlying truths. Those who discuss this topic are stigmatized and ostracized, and it would be silly to think that there is no reason for this.

On a not unrelated note, I want you to help me with something. The popular reading of history portrays Jewish people as perennial victims who are persecuted anywhere they go for no reason other than that they are Jews, and irrational ‘anti-Semites’ hate them. The ‘holocaust’ is a paradigmatic example of this, and this is another issue which cannot be discussed in an open forum (so much for democracy). What I would like help with is this: history is replete with massacres, murders, torture, wars, and a myriad of different crimes that have been perpetrated by everybody from the Romans to the Americans; can you name a single historical event wherein, in the popular reading of history, Jews are portrayed as the aggressors and criminals?

Perhaps Jews really are perennial victims and have never done anything wrong. Or perhaps our reading of history is manipulated, censored, and reconstructed to convey a certain narrative? We often repeat the adage: history is written by the victor. Is there some truth in the idea that history is written by the powerful? If so, are we not being subjected to what is essentially mind control, whereby we harbor a completely incorrect interpretation of history? And is it not time that we started to put all historical events, especially those which we are told not to question, under the microscope?

July 6, 2012 - Posted by | Deception, False Flag Terrorism, Timeless or most popular, Wars for Israel | , , , ,


  1. Was this article written in 1933………
    Sounds the same as the Der Stürmer nothing new………….


    Comment by craig | August 5, 2012 | Reply

    • History, by definition, is not “new.”

      Is there a point you are attempting to make craig?


      Comment by aletho | August 5, 2012 | Reply

  2. Altheo
    You know the answer……. so why play stupid.


    Comment by craig | August 6, 2012 | Reply

    • craig,

      I will surmise that your point is the stale and idiotic “Jews are perennial victims and have never done anything wrong.”

      You will have to try a lot harder to peddle that nonsense.


      Comment by aletho | August 6, 2012 | Reply

  3. Martin Iqbal claims that “Jews dominate Hollywood, the global news media, and the global financial system”… He then implies that “Jews run the world” and further claims that “Jews are largely exempted from criticism in the West”…

    Can anybody explain why I shouldn’t define Martin Iqbal as an antisemite?!…

    Oh, and please don’t thy the “Martin Iqbal is himself a Semite and therefore couldn’t be an antisemite” rubbish… Antisemitism doesn’t mean hatred of all Semites… It specifically means hatred of Jews… Indeed, even a Jew could be an antisemite… Gilad Atzmon comes to mind…


    Comment by ScubaMan | March 3, 2013 | Reply



      Comment by GUZE SPITERI | March 7, 2016 | Reply

  4. “If you haven’t been called antisemitic, you are not working hard enough for justice in Palestine”
    We’re in good company with Gilad Atzmon!
    By the way, it seems the media are no longer quite so reliable as purveyors of genocidal Zionist public-relations material dressed up as information as they once were: see today’s article by Jonathan Cook,


    Comment by traducteur | February 20, 2014 | Reply

  5. On my blog, I have written about Israeli Apartheid, the Jewish domination of the USG and the realities of the 9/11 False Flag. Commenters have called me names; cussed me; said I was having sex with my Mom and into bestiality.

    Yet not ONCE did any offer facts to disprove what I wrote about, only vile slurs. Some even threatened to send a Mossad ‘hit team’ to take me out.
    If they could prove what I wrote about was false, I’d offer a public apology. But they never do, only resorting to brute force, like all bullies do.

    So shove your anti-Semitism, and your sly Nazi references, try and speak the truth to what you perceive to be unjust.


    Comment by Greg Bacon | January 8, 2017 | Reply

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