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Cameron Demands Iran Change Policy on Syria, Yemen

Sputnik — 19.07.2015

MOSCOW – Western countries expect changes in Iran’s policy in the Middle East following a nuclear deal concluded between Tehran and the international negotiators, British Prime Minister David Cameron said on Sunday.

On Tuesday, Iran and the P5+1 group, comprising China, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Russia and the United States, concluded a historic agreement to ensure the peaceful nature of the country’s nuclear program.

“I spoke to [Iranian] President Rouhani yesterday and I said that we want to see a change in an approach that Iran takes to issues like Syria and Yemen and to terrorism in the region and we want the change in [Iran’s] behavior,” Cameron said on NBC News’ Meet the Press.

The prime minister added that the nuclear deal with Iran could lead to this change and was “so much better than the alternative,” since without the deal Iran would obtain nuclear weapon and Western countries might have to begin military action in the region against Iran.

The P5+1 international negotiators have been attempting to reach a comprehensive agreement with Iran that would insure the peaceful nature of the country’s nuclear program since November 2013, when an interim was signed.

According to the final text of the nuclear agreement, Iran will under no circumstances seek to develop or acquire a nuclear weapon and, in exchange, will receive sanctions relief. The text details how the final treaty will positively contribute to regional Middle Eastern security.

On Saturday, the country’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Iran would not change its rigid stance on defense capability and regional policy in light of the agreement with the international negotiators.

July 19, 2015 - Posted by | Ethnic Cleansing, Wars for Israel | , , ,

1 Comment »

  1. Lets assume, for the sake of argument, that Iran is NOT following the demand by the supporter of murder and killing innocent civilians in the whole Middle Eastern region, what would the acknowledged and recognized compatriot of war-criminals in the region do?

    Would he demand sanctions put on Iran for not adhering to his demand, and would he remain in full support of the self-proclaimed but proven racist state in the region?

    What would mister Cameron do when Iran would refrain to submit to a PM who has lost all credits when becoming complicit to practices that are condemned by all peace loving individuals around the world, who is supporting an occupation that is condemned by almost if not all legal national and international institution in the world?

    Will he finally shut up, and make way for more decent people, who at least acknowledge the fact that colonialism is something of the past, that there is no British Empire anymore, that Her Majesty the Queen and Her family are secretly (and more and more openly and publicly) are supporters of national-socialism, that he will acknowledge that Great Britain in fact is a country of nationalists who despise international cooperation, who detest everything and all foreign, and who fight their racist battles on the cost of every suffering individual?

    I bet that mister Cameron, the PM of the country that wants to gain the most of subsidies payed by others but refuse to contribute to the common good, will not back off, and that he as the loud-mouth he is will keep on screaming about lost Empires, lost Colonial Influence and will keep on supporting racist governments with all his heart and soul!

    As can be expected from a nationalist conservative with scrupulous practice and actions, who’s willing to sacrifice innocent women and children, fighting inquests into nation-wide child-abuse scandals by the highest of the highest of society, blackmailing countries into submission of what the British PM thinks to be in the best interest of a racist nation!


    Comment by masteradrian | July 19, 2015 | Reply

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