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Zionism is Racism

By Ludwig Watzal | American Herald Tribune | October 18, 2016

Hardly any knowledgeable person doubts that Zionist ideology is the purest form of racism. Zionism is Jewish disguised racism as a raison d’etat. Israel comes right after the U. S., as far as racism is concerned. That is why the U. S. donates to this racist regime $ 3.8 bn per year in order to keep this occupation regime going. Should anybody doubt the racism of the Israeli leadership, read the following article. [1]

Racism among the Israeli leadership is legendary. It started out with the founder of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, saying: “Spirit the penniless population across the frontier by denying it employment … Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly.” Or David Ben-Gurion when he advised his General Staff; “We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population.” But the dehumanization of the Arab population started already shortly after the Zionist colonizers arrived in the Land of Palestine.

The former terrorist and later Israel’s Prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech before the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament, termed the Palestinians as “beasts walking on two legs”. Or for the infamous Golda Meir “There is no such thing as a Palestinian.” One could go on and on with the racist statements of the Israel political establishment, not to speak of the violent racism of the colonial settlers in the Palestinian Occupied Territories that make the life of the Palestinians a living hell.

I guess that any intelligent Israeli knows who the real perpetrators are. The former Attorney General, Michael Ben-Yair, wrote in the daily Haaretz : “The Intifada is the Palestinian’s people’s war of national liberation. (…) We enthusiastically chose to become a colonialist society, ignoring international treaties, expropriating lands, transferring settlers from Israel to the Occupied Territories, engaging in theft and finding justification for all these activities (…) We established an apartheid regime.” [2]

How come that all this seems to be unknown to the U. S. political establishment and their fawning media class? Can it be that former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was right saying during an Israeli cabinet meeting; “Don’t worry, we control the United States.” Sharon’s dictum seems close to the truth when watching the behavior of the U. S. political class towards Israel. Most of the members of both houses of Congress are more concerned with Israel than with the well-being of their own constituency.

Just take Netanyahu’s appearances before Congress. In 2011, Netanyahu made President Obama look like a fool when he repudiated Obama’s views on the Middle Eastern conflict. The deputies had nothing better to do than jump up 29 times and frenetically cheer to Netanyahu’s chutzpah. They behaved slightly better when Netanyahu tried to torpedo Obama’s Iran deal before the Congress. This appearance happened without the consent of the Obama administration. The Israeli ambassador, Ron Dermer, and the speaker of the House, John Boehner, wrapped up this political deal behind the back of the Obama administration. American self-esteem would have required to declare the Israeli ambassador persona non grata and banish him.

All these events are still overshadowed by Hillary Clinton’s servility towards Netanyahu. Clinton has not only threatened Iran with total “obliteration” if the country should dare to attack Israel but has also promised to Media mogul and mega-donor Haim Saban to go after the BDS movement after her election to the U. S. presidency. WikiLeaks published an email in which Clinton wrote that a “Potemkin peace process is better than nothing.” Such a Potemkin peace process has been followed by the U. S. in the last 36 years. This email showed further how influential Israel’s ambassador Dermer is and how Clinton and her staff are in the pocket of the Israelis. [3] It shows who calls all the shots in U. S. politics.

Apart from her Israel loyalty, Hillary Clinton, and her Ziocon supporters are threatening Russia with a nuclear attack if President Vladimir Putin does not dance to Washington’s pipe. The U. S. media does not report on this Clinton threat as they do not report on Clinton’s lying to Congress or her dubious email traffic that was a severe violation of U. S. national security for which she should have been indicted. They also did not report on Clinton’s using the “N-Word” for an African American. Instead of debunking Clinton and her lies and racism, the media keeps on demonizing Donald Trump for his misogynic rhetoric and former behavior. Rather of electing Hillary Clinton to the White House, the American people should put her in jail.

The election of Hillary Clinton will not only be a disaster for the Palestinian people but also to the world as a whole.

End Notes




October 19, 2016 - Posted by | Ethnic Cleansing, Racism, Zionism, Timeless or most popular | , , ,

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    by Mark Burdman

    Herzl’s diaries are filled with references to the strategies and ideas behind this relationship. “The anti-Semites will be our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries, our allies.” “Selling” Zionism would “cost nothing, for the anti-Semites will rejoice.” Anti-Semitism is at bottom understandable, since “they could not have let themselves be subjugated by us in the army, in government, in all of commerce.” And, in meetings with various reactionary European potentates, as Bilinski charged, Herzl freely conjured up massive world Jewish financial power and extensive Jewish control over revolutionary movements, playing off the “benefits” for collaborating with the Zionists against the “risks” of not doing so.

    This collaboration presaged the close collaboration between Zionists and Nazis during the 1933-45 period, including Zionist agreement to let nearly a million Jews die in return for letting the select, racially “pure” few escape from Hungary and Rumania. In this relationship, the cult of Thule and Odin of the elite Nazis, and the cult of Zion, both created in London’s oligarchic cult laboratories, were to help each other “purify their races.”

    There is one man who can properly be regarded as the father of Zionism and Nazism: Benjamin Disraeli. To omit Disraeli from a central place in the 19th century development of Zionism, agent historian Barbara Tuchman once said, “would be as absurd as to leave the ghost out of Hamlet.” As prime minister under Victoria in the 1870s, Disraeli was the overseer of Britain’s imperial design to secure a “homeland” for Jews as a British outpost in the Middle East, and a secret document authored by Disraeli became the manifesto for early Zionism in Europe. That much is admitted on the public record.

    What’s hidden are Disraeli’s motivations. In the 40 novels he also authored, Disraeli called for an Aryan-Semitic alliance to form an organized superior “Caucasian race” that was destined to rule the world with British power and the Hebrew-centered “sacred mysteries of the East.” This was the counter-cult to the rising demand for industrialization and progress throughout Europe, the United States, and the Arab world. As we shall show, Nazism and Zionism were the hideous twin offspring of the same Anglican racist mother.

    Disraeli himself was the son of an early British cultist, Isaac D’Israeli, a dilettantish figure and literary critic associated with circles around the Edinburgh Review and Sir Walter Scott. Nominally a Jew by name, Isaac D’Israeli was involved in the Isis cult worship of these circles and encouraged his son to study Jesuit teachings and explore other pagan anti-Christian teachings. The Walter Scott clique was the originator of numerous myths and cults conduited into Europe, including the Odin cult in Germany that supplied a mythical history for Nazism.

    Early in his political literary career, Disraeli made two important connections. The first was to the up-and-coming Rothschild family. The most notable Hofjuden (“Court Jew”) family of Britain patronized Disraeli’s activities and Disraeli wrote in a letter, “I have always been of the opinion that there cannot be too many Rothschilds.”

    Secondly, he was introduced to Edward Bulwer- Lytton, an arch-priest of the Isis cult in Britain. Bulwer- Lytton was the author of the Last Days of Pompeii which promulgated the Isis cult and the novel Rienzi. The latter supplied the story for one of Wagner’s first operas which became another manifesto of Nazism. Bulwer- Lytton and his son were both to serve as Colonial and India Office secretaries during the mid-nineteenth century. Bulwer-Lytton’s novels became the seminal tracts for a whole variety of cults devoted to spreading the cult of Isis directly or in other guises. Those included the 1848 creation of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, the 1860s Metaphysical Society and Masonic Rosicrucian Lodge, the 1880s creation of the Isis-Uranus Temple of the Hermetic Students of the Golden Dawn, the Theosophy Society founded by Madame Blavatsky, who published Isis Unveiled and The Cabala Unveiled, and end-of-the-century grotesqueries like the Cannibal Club and the Suicide Society. There was one aim behind all these cults: the formation of ritual worship cults for the creation of terrorists, environmentalists, anarchists, and other zombified enemies of progress that could be deployed against whatever obstacle stood in the way of Britain’s imperial designs.
    Disraeli’s own initiation into the Isis cult came with an early 1830s trip to the countries of the Mediterranean, a trip that took him to Malta, the home base of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, Greece, Egypt, and Palestine, the latter two for extended stays. In Greece, the future prime minister expounded on the theme of the “Oriental background of Hellenistic civilization. ‘ According to Disraeli, “in art the Greeks were the children of the Egyptians, ‘ the originators of Isis. The trip provided Disraeli with his hallucinatory raw material for his “cabalistic” 1830s-1840s novels, which according to one of their Rothschild-modeled characters, Sindonia, were aimed at “penetrating the great Asian mystery.” Upon his return from the Near East, Disraeli set to work on writing Alroy, his first call for a return to Palestine.


    Comment by Buddy | October 19, 2016 | Reply

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