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Xymphora | December 16, 2016

You need to remember the names Chuck Schumer, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Steve Israel. These are all blood-pouring-from-the-fangs Zionists, and, not coincidentally, recently in charge of the people who run as Democrats in national American politics. They have consistently picked extreme right-wing candidates to run, so right-wing that they are not acceptable to most Democrat voters. If these ridiculous candidates win, they vote as ‘blue dogs’, mostly with the Republicans. If they lose, which recently has been the trend, a Republican is elected. The Zionists don’t care. Their only criterion of electoral success is if a hard-line Zionist ends up elected. The result of years of this treason has been the apotheosis of the Republican Party, and too many Wars For The Jews to count, with the accompanying impoverishment of the country.

Hillary was picked by the ‘donors’ – code for Jewish billionaire ‘one issue guys’ – as the candidate who would most reliably support extreme Zionist goals, including expansion of the Zionist Empire across the Middle East employing more Wars For The Jews and general Yinon state-splitting techniques. Russia is perceived as the only real impediment to extreme Zionism, as the kind of terrorist states which are to be constructed through Yinon techniques are correctly perceived by the Russians as an existential threat. Thus, Hillary’s main job was to tie up Russian actions by rapidly increasing cold war tensions leading to WWIII and, hopefully, regime change in Russia replacing Putin with Zionist stooges.

I pause to note that no ‘respectable’ person can possibly notice any of this, let alone write it, as utterly obvious as it is.

These . . . contradictions . . . in the Democrats have now led to electoral disaster. The problem is that there can be no fault in the institutional structure of the party as that would lead to reforms which would upset the Zionist apple-cart. Scapegoats must be found outside of the party. The FBI, ‘fake news’, and, of course, Putin’s personal disruption of the American political system by providing accurate information to American voters. ‘Fake news’ is the information provided largely by the social media which the Jewish billionaires have not yet been able to stifle. Of course, the Jewish billionaires own most of the American mainstream media, and are hemorrhaging money largely because the obvious truths provided by the social media are driving out the obvious lies provided by the mainstream media. People have noticed that their lives are wrecked largely as a result of political decisions based on these lies. Thus Trump. I note that Trump’s win with much less money spent has broken the Jewish billionaire model that elections must be won by funneling political donations – aka bribes – to media outlets owned by Jewish billionaires.

You may say that such an explanation is simplistic, not to mention ‘anti-Semitic’, but it explains everything, the collapse of the Democratic Party, the odd inability to acknowledge that there might be a problem so something might be done to fix it (remember everything is fine because of ‘demographics’), the specific nature of the scapegoats provided in lieu of taking responsibility, and the general collapse of the United States, and the destruction of the lives of so many of its citizens, under the weight of so many Wars For The Jews with no conceivable American imperial advantage.

December 16, 2016 - Posted by | Corruption, Ethnic Cleansing, Racism, Zionism, Fake News, Full Spectrum Dominance, Mainstream Media, Warmongering, Timeless or most popular, Wars for Israel | , , , , , ,


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    Comment by Meriem Kheira Peillet | December 16, 2016 | Reply

  2. An outstanding — hardly simplistic! — post; thank you. I wish I could keep up with the pace of your essential journalism. You generate it, and I can’t even tread water…sad.

    Meriem: thanks for the video. I watched it with interest that included consternation. If Grossman (I think I got his name right; Jewish? He sounds sincere, but is he a Zionist plant? I know nothing of his bona fides) thinks that the average American will wake up after Friedman’s assignment and begin to push back against the Zionist takeover of America (and the world), he is beyond naïve. More likely to me is that Friedman will do his damage; that damage will have been done to the point of reality; and the Zionists will then move on to the next incremental, focused step of their satanic agenda. When Grossman says (paraphrase) that he can’t conceive of a follow-on government in the Zioentity more radical-right-fascist than the current one of the criminally psychotic Netanyahu, I again beg to differ: there is always the option of the opportunistic seizing upon an event that might (almost inevitably will) occur in the Middle East to solve the Palestine problem once and for all…via full-on genocide and erasure of the pesky Palestinians…the final solution for sure. And who would complain and take action over such an eventuality?


    Comment by roberthstiver | December 16, 2016 | Reply

    • There may be some hope in Orwell’s observation that the extermination of millions of people would be “a task of great physical difficulty”.


      Comment by traducteur | December 16, 2016 | Reply

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