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What is the link between the UK Foreign Office and terrorist groups in Syria? Vanessa Beeley

goingundergroundRT | December 9, 2017

We speak to investigative journalist Vanessa Beeley about her most recent trip to Syria.

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December 10, 2017 - Posted by | Deception, False Flag Terrorism, Mainstream Media, Warmongering, Timeless or most popular, Video, War Crimes | , ,


  1. The British people get “Austerity” while MI6 get millions of pounds for “Dirty Deeds, done dirt cheap”………The ‘average’ working person in Britain, the USA, (and here in Australia) have got NO IDEA what is being done in their name. All the government have to do is divert your attention, with Football, Celebrities, moronic TV Shows, etc etc……..


    Comment by Brian Harry, Australia | December 10, 2017 | Reply

    • Well said, Brian. But for the benefit of those readers among “average” people who are just starting to learn about this, let me expand on your comment a little.

      1) Although it seems this situation is strongest in the English-speaking countries you mention, and including Canada, Ireland & New Zealand, I think a similar situation exists among the European Union countries, NATO countries and other allies of the two central players in this, the USA and Britain. In the days of the British Empire, it was Britain that led this activity, along with other colonial powers such as France. But since the start of the 20th century, and especially after WW2, it has been a Britain-USA axis leading this.

      2) The revelations concerning Syria mentioned by Vanessa Beeley are just the tip of the iceberg. Identical or similar situations are going on in many other places around the world, and there has been a history of this going back decades, if not centuries.

      3) In addition to diverting the attention of people as you mention, the beliefs and attitudes of “average” people are continuously being formed and influenced by means of propaganda and brainwashing, all done by the governments and by organizations that represent the real powers that control these governments from behind the scene. The media and the educational systems are the primary avenues through which they disseminate this propaganda.

      4) There is a noticeable degree of uniformity and co-ordination of the above-mentioned governments in the statements they make and in their actions related to the types of examples that Vanessa Beeley spoke about in Syria. For example, in the past few years the Prime Ministers of Britain, Australia & Canada, and the Presidents of the U.S.A. have all used the term, “our values” when justifying foreign policy. All of this indicates that there is a central group that controls the foreign policy of these governments. Furthermore, this central, controlling group is probably led by and dominated by a small number of powerful individuals who remain mostly hidden, “behind the curtain”.


      Comment by I Speak | December 12, 2017 | Reply

      • As an example of the above-mentioned uniformity, I forgot to mention the amazing WORD-FOR-WORD IDENTICAL speeches made by the Prime Ministers of Australia and Canada in 2003, leading to the attack on Iraq. Who originally wrote that speech? And who has the power to instruct these Prime Ministers to both deliver this same speech in Parliament?


        Comment by I Speak | December 12, 2017 | Reply

        • Yes, I was aware of that speech(“double speech”?). That speech was probably written in the Washington, London, or Tel Aviv, so that the “Coalition of the Willing” were “singing from the same ‘hymn book’ ”
          But the ‘clowns’ in the Australian and Canadian Parliaments just read it out to their respective populations, as if, “Nobody will notice this scam”.
          An infamous Australian politician a few years ago used to refer to this sort of thing(when he was being interviewed by journalists) as, “FEEDING THE CHOOKS”.
          (Chooks = Chickens)


          Comment by Brian Harry, Australia | December 12, 2017 | Reply

  2. “There is a noticeable degree of uniformity and co-ordination of the above-mentioned governments in the statements they make………”
    I’ve noticed this because the Australian PM and Politicians now regularly use the term “Keeping Australians Safe” when they are “Feeding the Chooks”…….
    First you scare ’em, and then you save ’em….It’s just like, “They’re all stupid, they’ll swallow it whole……”


    Comment by Brian Harry, Australia | December 12, 2017 | Reply

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