Aletho News


‘Executed’ North Koreans return to life

RT | January 21, 2018

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is famous in Western media for executing people that fall out of his favor – though some seem to have found the knack of returning from the dead.

Reports regularly surface on Kim’s latest means of execution, ranging from the relatively mundane firing squad to the theatrical, or even cartoonish – such as feeding foes to packs of starving dogs or roasting them with flame-throwers.

The pop star and ‘former lover’

The most recent case is North Korean popstar Hyon Song-wol, spotted alive and well in South Korea on Sunday despite having reportedly been killed in a purge of singers, musicians and dancers back in 2013.

The performer was reportedly executed along with 11 others, including other members of her group, the Moranbong Band, the head of Unhasu Orchestra, and several dancers from the Wangjaesan Light Music Band.

The 12 victims had allegedly been accused of, among other offenses, recording themselves having sex and selling the footage. The reported victims hadn’t been seen since, until Hyon Song-wol, with whom Kim had reportedly been romantically entwined, publicly resurfaced on Saturday to inspect Olympic venues in South Korea ahead of the Winter Games.

The military chief

Back in 2016, N. Korean army chief Ri Yong Gil was reportedly executed for “factionalism, misuse of authority, and corruption.” As with a lot of information emanating from the isolated country, this turned out to false.

South Korean intelligence officials seemed to take his removal as head of the army as confirmation of his execution. The only problem was that a couple of months later Ri Yong Gil apparently returned from the dead, with an array of new senior-level positions, when he attended the Workers’ Party Congress in May that year.

The uncle ‘executed by a pack of dogs’

Apparently Kim really has it in for his older relatives, if Western media reports are to believed. So much so, it seems, that Kim was willing to execute his own uncle, by setting a pack of 120 starving dogs on him as part of yet another purge back in 2014.

Though it appears that Jang Song Thaek was indeed executed, the ‘ripped apart by dogs’ story was a complete fabrication that first raised its head on a satirical Chinese microblogging website.

The aunt ‘poisoned on request’

Further to ‘feeding his uncle to dogs’, as mentioned above, he reportedly then turned his murderous gaze towards his aunt, Kim Kyong-hui.

Kyong-hui, Kim’s father’s sister and the wife of uncle Jang Song Thaek, was reportedly executed by poisoning on the leader’s orders.

However, once again these reports turned out to be false. South Korean news agency Yonhap reported last year that she is very much alive, although she is being treated for illnesses ranging from depression to cancer.

January 21, 2018 - Posted by | Deception, Fake News, Mainstream Media, Warmongering |


  1. When you read in the MSM about the people that Kim has butchered, just remember that Saddam Hussein was supposed to have killed new born babies in their cribs…..not to mention the Weapons of Mass Destruction that he had hidden, AND, the Poison Gas and “Barrel Bombs” that Mr Assad in Syria was using.
    If it was in the Western MSM, it was very likely to by complete utter bullshit……..

    “If you don’t read the newspapers you are uninformed. If you DO read the newspapers you are Misinformed”. Mark Twain.(written over 100 years ago)….but if he was around today it would apply to the Networks as well.


    Comment by Brian Harry, Australia | January 21, 2018 | Reply

    • And Germany systematically exterminated 6 muhzillion Jews in homicidal gas chambers… Remember that one? Bwahahah…lolocaust.


      Comment by Hasbarcidal Goy | January 21, 2018 | Reply

      • No one is allowed to discuss “The Holocaust”, let alone question it.


        Comment by Brian Harry, Australia | January 22, 2018 | Reply

  2. We Americans have always (my entire adult life) been obsessed on innuendo and gossip surrounding the health, wealth, habits, purges, and general goings-on of all kinds of foreign “bad guys/gals du jour” for the purpose of presenting them in the worst possible light. I guess it satisfies the ZioMSM’s need for viewership/advertising revenue, and it distracts from the funny-farm incompetence (policy incompetence; then there are the sexual perversions of innumerable congresstitutes abusing aides, groping women’s breasts, etc.) of our own “leadership.” And then there is Trump…no one trumps Trump.


    Comment by roberthstiver | January 22, 2018 | Reply

    • “Congresstitutes”…….Great word…AND, no dictionary required to understand its meaning…….I made one up recently, when referring to our (Australian) politicians……”Politicriminals”.


      Comment by Brian Harry, Australia | January 22, 2018 | Reply

  3. well
    supreme leader
    forgiving god


    Comment by 5 dancing shlomos | January 22, 2018 | Reply


    It may be Inconvenient History but England rather than Germany initiated the murderous slaughter of bombing civilians thus bringing about retaliation. Chamberlain conceded that it was “absolutely contrary to International Law.” It began in 1940, and Churchill believed it held the secret of victory. He was convinced that raids of sufficient intensity could destroy Germany’s morale, and so his War Cabinet planned a campaign that abandoned the accepted practice of attacking the enemy’s armed forces, and instead made civilians the primary target. Night after night, RAF bombers in ever increasing numbers struck throughout Germany, usually at working class housing, because it was more densely packed.

    [Angus Calder, The Peoples’ War, Jonathan Cape, London 1969]

    * * *
    Hitler only undertook the bombing of British civilian targets reluctantly three months after the RAF had commenced bombing German civilian targets. Hitler would have been willing at any time to stop the slaughter. Hitler was genuinely anxious to reach with Britain an agreement confining the action of aircraft to battle zones… Retaliation was certain if we carried the war into Germany… there was a reasonable possibility that our capital and industrial centers would not have been attacked if we had continued to refrain from attacking those of Germany… We began to bomb objectives on the German mainland before the Germans began to bomb objectives on the British mainland… Because we were doubtful about the psychological effect of propagandist distortion of the truth that it was we who started the strategic bombing offensive, we have shrunk from giving our great decision of May 11, 1940, the publicity it deserves.

    [J.M. Spaight, CB, CBE, Principal Secretary to the Air Ministry, Bombing Vindicated, G. Bles, London 1944]
    * * *
    The attack on the Ruhr was therefore an informal invitation to the Luftwaffe to bomb London. The primary purpose of these raids was to goad the Germans into undertaking reprisal raids of a similar character on Britain.
    Such raids would arouse intense indignation in Britain against Germany and so create a war psychosis without which it would be impossible to carry on a modern war.

    [Dennis Richards, The Royal Air Force, 1939-1945: The Fight at Odds, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London/232 Celsius, Greenock 2013, p. 122]
    * * *
    Sefton Delmer was the head functionary [of British black propaganda] who carried out this work for the British government. His main method was to lie as exactly as possible so that the lies couldn’t be uncovered right away.
    After the end of the war in occupied Germany, Delmer co-ordinated the “black propaganda” campaign with the French, the Soviets and the Americans. These co- ordinated lies and inventions could not be recognized as such right away. Delmer’s work in occupied Germany lasted until 1947.
    During that period he and his staff forged a wealth of German documents which reached official files. He described this work to a large extent in his own book. Walendy testified that most of these forged documents had the Germans committing a large number of war crimes. Delmer provided the documents to the British Ministry of Information which in turn sent them to the Nuremberg trial as official documents. The International Military Tribunal, pursuant to the London Agreement, did not check whether the documents were true or false, but simply entered them as evidence of “generally-known facts.” Because they were considered authenticated official documents, they had now been introduced into history books. In this situation, Walendy testified, even officially published documents had to be analyzed to determine whether or not they were forgeries.

    [Expert testimony by historian Udo Walendy, Second Zündel Trial, Toronto 1988; Session #28, Protocol pp. 7662f.; Barbara Kulaszka, Did Six Million Really Die?, Samisdat, Toronto 1992, pp. 278f.]

    Sefton Delmer was among the men “who were given the opportunity in 1945 of making changes in Germany”

    [Sefton Delmer, Black Boomerang, Secker & Warburg, London 1962, p. 228].

    What these intended changes looked like, the German constitutional lawyer Prof. Friedrich Grimm depicted in one of his books:

    In May 1945, a few days after the collapse, I had a memorable exchange with an important representative of the opposite side. He introduced himself as a university professor of his country who wanted to converse with me on the historical basis of the war. The conversation we had was of a high standard. Suddenly he dropped the subject, pointed to the leaflets lying on the table in front of me with which we had been flooded during the first days after the surrender and which were mainly dealing with the atrocities of the concentration camps.

    “What do you say about that?” he asked me.

    I replied,

    “Oradour and Buchenwald? You are charging an open door with me. I am a lawyer and condemn injustice wherever I encounter it, most of all when it happens on our side. But I know how to distinguish between the facts and the political use made of it. I know what atrocity propaganda is.

    After World War I, I read all the publications by your experts on this subject:
    the writings by the Northcliff office; the book by the French Finances Minister Klotz “From War to Peace” (Paris, 1923), in which he describes how the story of the chopped-off children’s hands had been cooked up, and what benefit they got from it; the information pamphlets of the magazine Crapouillot comparing the atrocity propaganda of 1870 with that of 1914-1918; and finally the classic by Ponsonby, “Falsehood in Wartime.” It reveals that already during the previous war magazines published images of mountains of corpses made-up by photo composition with mannequins. These pictures were distributed without any captions. The propaganda center provided those captions as needed by phone.”
    With this I pulled out one of the leaflets allegedly showing mountains of dead bodies at the concentration camps, and I showed it to my visitor, who looked at me in a baffled way.

    I continued:

    “I cannot imagine that during this war, for which all weapons were perfected to such an extent, this mentally toxic weapon was neglected, which had decided the first war. More even, I know it for sure! During the last months before the collapse I read the foreign press on a daily basis. In it, a central agency was reporting on German atrocities. A certain pattern could be perceived. One occupied territory after the other was brought up, today France, tomorrow Norway, then Belgium, Denmark, Holland, Greece, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia. First there were hundreds of corpses in the concentration camps, then six weeks later, when the same country had its next turn, thousands, then tens of thousands, then hundreds of thousands. Here I thought to myself: this numerical inflation sure won’t go into the millions!”

    Now I reached for another leaflet:

    “Here you have the million!”

    At that point my visitor blurted out:

    “I see, I have run into an expert. Now I want to tell you who I am. I am not a university professor. I am at the central agency you talked about: atrocity propaganda – and with that we have achieved total victory.”

    I replied:

    “I know, and now you must stop it!”

    He retorted:

    “No, that was only the beginning! We will continue this atrocity propaganda, we will intensify it until nobody will accept a good word from the Germans anymore, until all the sympathy you had in other countries will be destroyed, and until the Germans themselves will be so confused that they do not know anymore what they are doing!” I terminated the conversation: “Then you will bear a great responsibility!”

    [Friedrich Grimm, Politische Justiz: Die Krankheit unserer Zeit, Scheur, Bonn 1953, pp. 146-148]

    Internet sources quote Grimm similarly, claiming that it was Sefton Delmer whom Grimm spoke to, which may be true but cannot be confirmed. However, these sources carry on with a passage that is not from Prof. Grimm. Yet it conveys concisely what this propaganda was all about:

    When this is reached, when the Germans begin to pollute their own nest, and this not reluctantly but with hasty willingness to obey the winners, only then the Allies’ victory is complete. It will never be definite. The re-education demands thorough, steadfast nurture like an English lawn. Only one moment of inattention, and the weed will break through, this ineradicable weed of historic truth. The idea of collective German guilt was often viewed as the first step toward re-education:

    A war is only lost when one’s own territory is occupied by the enemy, the leading class of the defeated people is convicted in war crime trials and the defeated are subject to a re-education process. An obvious means of that is to implant the victor’s view into the minds of the defeated. It’s of decisive importance to transfer the “moral categories” of the victor’s war-time propaganda into the consciousness of the defeated. Only when wartime propaganda has found its way into the history books of the defeated and is believed by succeeding generations, only then the re-education can be seen as successful.

    [Walter Lippmann, American journalist, chief editor of New York World, correspondent of the New York Herald Tribune, advisor to President Wilson]

    * * *
    There are two histories: the lying official one and the secret one, in which are the true causes of events.

    [Honoré de Balzac, 1799-1850]

    Yet, even if you acknowledge that you’ve been duped, why is all this still relevant now, why does it matter? Isn’t it just old history? It matters because it affects your world, your life, and your future. Personally and directly.

    “To be ignorant of what happened before you were born is to be ever a child. For what is man’s lifetime unless the memory of past events is woven with those of earlier times”?

    * * *
    One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us.
    It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.

    [Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark, Random House, New York 1995]
    * * *
    The faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc, and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction.
    In short… protective stupidity.”

    (George Orwell, 1984)

    [‘Ingsoc’ is New-speak for English Socialism or the English Socialist Party, the political ideology of the totalitarian government of Oceania in George Orwell’s dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four” Wikipedia]
    * * *
    [The] system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.

    [The Matrix, film, 1999—occasionally, maybe as a private joke, Hollywood lifts the curtain marginally.]
    * * *
    The IBBC is a bank. Their objective isn’t to control the conflict; it’s to control the debt that the conflict produces. You see, the real value of a conflict, the true value, is in the debt that it creates. You control the debt, you control everything. You find this upsetting, yes? But this is the very essence of the banking industry, to make us all, whether we be nations or individuals, slaves to debt.

    [The International, film, 2009]
    * * *
    The organizing principle of any society is for war. The basic authority of the modern state over its people resides in its war powers. Today it’s oil, tomorrow water. It’s what we like to call the God business: Guns, Oil, and Drugs. But there is a problem, our way of life, it’s over. It’s unsustainable and in rapid decline, that’s why we implement demand destruction. We continue to make money as the world burns. But for this to work the people have to remain ignorant of the problem until it’s too late. That is why we have triggers in place, 9-11, 7-7, WMDs. A population in a permanent state of fear does not ask questions. Our desire for war becomes its desire for war. A willing sacrifice. You see, fear is justification, fear is control, fear is money.

    [The Veteran, film, 2011]

    Around the same time as the Allies were treating the German leaders as monsters and sentencing them to death at Nuremberg on the basis of fabricated evidence, anywhere between 750,000 and 1.7 million ordinary German prisoners of war were dying of hunger and exposure in concentration camps

    [James Bacque, Other Losses, Stoddart, Toronto 1989]

    which existed from April to September 1945, or many months after unconditional surrender had occurred.
    General Eisenhower, who had been promoted at lightning speed from colonel to five-star general and Supreme Allied Commander, despite the assessment of his colleague General Patton that he was “incompetent,” had issued an order on March 10, 1945 that German prisoners of war be designated as “Disarmed Enemy Forces” or DEF, as opposed to POW. attracted the interest of his alleged sponsor Bernard Baruch, financier and chairman of the War Industries Board, in that such weakness of character made him more malleable and open to influence. According to General Patton, it was Eisenhower who insisted on hard treatment of the Germans at a meeting with the president’s advisers in August 1944 at Patton’s camp. The Morgenthau Plan was initially dismissed, but then it seemed to reappear just the same:

    Evidently the virus started by Morgenthau and Baruch of a Semitic revenge against all Germans is still working. Harrison (a U.S. State Department official) and his associates indicate that they feel German civilians should be removed from houses for the purpose of housing Displaced Persons. There are two errors in this assumption. First, when we remove an individual German, we punish an individual German, while the punishment is not intended for the individual but for the race. Furthermore, it is against my Anglo-Saxon conscience to remove a person from a house, which is a punishment, without due process of law. In the second place, Harrison and his ilk believe that the Displaced Person is a human being, which he is not, and this applies particularly to the Jews, who are lower than animals.

    [General George Patton’s diary, 1945]
    * * *
    Although Roosevelt dropped the extreme demands of the Morgenthau Plan shortly after the Quebec Conference, its main ideas were introduced in Directive JCS 1067, a top secret document which, after considerable revision, was issued to General Eisenhower on May 14, 1945 as the final policy guideline for American occupation forces in Germany and remained in force for two years.

    [Wolfgang Schlauch, “American Policy towards Germany, 1945,” Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 5, No. 4 (10/1970), pp. 113-128.]

    Eisenhower, in Directive JCS 1067, ordered:

    “Germany will not be occupied for the purpose of liberation but as a defeated enemy nation… The purpose is… the occupation of Germany to enforce certain Allied goals.”

    Under the Morgenthau Plan and its successors, Germans were prevented from growing sufficient food to feed themselves, goods were stolen from them at levels far beyond the war reparations agreed between the Allies, and private charity was forbidden. And in May 1945, U.S. General Eisenhower—who had publicly promised to abide by the Geneva Convention—illegally forbade German civilians to take food to prisoners starving to death in American camps. He threatened the death penalty for anyone found feeding prisoners. One quarter of the country was annexed, and about fifteen million people expelled in the largest act of ethnic cleansing the world has ever known. Over two million of these people died either on the road or in concentration camps in Poland and elsewhere. Children were enslaved for years in these camps, and the majority of them also died.

    [James Bacque, Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians under Allied Occupation 1944-1950, Little Brown, Toronto 1997]

    If the Cold War had not necessitated the resuscitation of Germany as a front line defense against the Soviet Union, this mass murder might have continued indefinitely.

    Too many people here and in England hold the view that the German people as a whole are not responsible for what has taken place—that only a few Nazis are responsible. That unfortunately is not based on fact. The German people must have it driven home to them that the whole nation has been engaged in a lawless conspiracy against the decencies of modern civilization.

    [Roosevelt, Memorandum for the Secretary of War, Aug. 26, 1944]

    * * *
    I am frankly opposed to this war criminal stuff. It is not cricket and is Semitic. I am also opposed to sending POWs to work as slaves in foreign lands where many will be starved to death.

    [General Patton diary, September 15, 1945]
    * * *
    Let’s keep our boots polished and our bayonets sharpened and present a picture of force and strength to the Red Army. This is the only language they understand and respect.

    [“General Patton to Under-Secretary for War Robert Patterson,” May 7, 1945, in: Robert K. Wilcox, The Plot to Assassinate General Patton, p. 111, Regnery Publishing, Washington, DC, 2010]
    * * *
    At first glance the policies of the U.S.A. and Great Britain from the spring of 1943 were… inexplicable. After the battle of Stalingrad and the withdrawal of German troops from North Africa it was clear that the German Reich no longer had any chance of a military victory. As neither the USSR nor the Western Powers had the slightest intentions of reaching a peaceful compromise with Adolf Hitler, it was already at that time predictable that, as a consequence of the inevitable German defeat, one part of Europe would come under Anglo-American influence, and another—under Soviet control. From the viewpoint of the Western Powers the only sensible policy would have been to conquer as large parts of Eastern Europe as possible before the arrival of the Red Army. Consequently a push toward “the soft underbelly of the Axis,” the Balkans, would have been the best thing to do in the summer of 1943 with the advance toward the north to Greece and Yugoslavia. However, that was exactly what the Anglo-Americans didn’t do.

    Instead they landed in Italy where their progress stagnated for four months south of Rome. Instead of pushing toward the Balkans, while there was still time, they staged an invasion of the south of France by mid August, whereas the Red Army took Romania and from there advanced south and west. Even so it would still have been possible for the Anglo-Americans to reach the three key central European cities, Berlin, Vienna and Prague before the Soviets, but Eisenhower ordered his troops to stop, so that all the three cities could be taken by the Red Army. After a thorough study of the available material, Reed concluded that the ailing U.S. President Roosevelt, who had become a puppet of his predominantly Jewish and thoroughly pro-Soviet “advisers,” had decided to serve half of Europe to communism on a silver platter and thus pave the way for a future partition of the European Continent.

    [Jürgen Graf, translation of his introduction to the German translation of the book The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed, Dolphin Press, Durban 1978/Noontide Press, Torrance 1985,
    Patton threatened a confrontation with Soviet Russia. Eisenhower promoted Patton (“kicked him upstairs”) as the commander of the Fifteenth Army.

    “I would like it much better than being a sort of executioner to the best race in Europe.”

    [Patton, letter, Sept. 29, 1945]

    General Patton was too uncontrollable to be allowed to live. He had become a hindrance to the advancement of the plan of those who instigated the revolutions and the world wars which are intended to culminate in a worldwide collectivized society (the New World Or-der). (As opponents of Communism, Chiang Kai-Shek and Syngman Rhee were also potential targets for assassination.)

    For diverse political reasons, many extremely high-ranking persons hated Patton. I know who killed him, for I was the one who was hired to do it. Ten thousand dollars. General William J. ‘Wild Bill’ Donovan himself, Director of OSS, entrusted me with the mission. I set up the ‘accident.’ Since he didn’t die in the accident, he was kept in isolation in the hospital, where he was killed with a cyanide injection.

    [Douglas Bazata, Hilton Hotel, Washington D.C., 1979]

    James Bacque gives details of the number of German civilians persecuted and killed after the war, as follows:

    Expellees (1945-50)
    Prisoners (1941-50)
    Residents (1946-50)

    [Data from James Bacque, Crimes and Mercies, p. 131]

    “Expellees” refers to the 16,000,000 ethnic Germans who were driven from their ancestral homelands in Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and else-where in Europe, at war’s end. This is many more Germans than died in battle, air raids and concentration camps during the war. Millions of these people slowly starved to death in front of the victors’ eyes every day for years.
    “These deaths have never been honestly reported by either the Allies or the German government.”

    (ibid., p. 131)

    “The army’s policy was to starve soldiers, according to several American soldiers who were there.”

    (ibid. p. 44)

    Here’s a coincidence. 6 million people really were presumed to have perished — after the war. But they were only Germans, not Chosen, so they went unobserved. The mid-range figures from Adenauer and a few others say that some 6 million expellees alone died, without specifying any unusual number of deaths among resident civilians. Adenauer wrote in March 1949:

    According to American figures, a total of 13.3 million Germans were expelled from the eastern parts of Germany, from Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and so on. 7.3 million arrived in the eastern zone and the three western zones… Six million Germans have vanished from the Earth. They are dead, gone. Most of the 7.3 million who stayed alive are women, children and old people.”

    [James Bacque, “Death and Transfiguration,” in Crimes and Mercies, op. cit., p. 119, cited by Bacque from Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, Mémoires, 1945-1953, Hachette, Paris 1965 p.186]

    Military Government—Germany
    Supreme Commander’s Area of Control
    Proclamation No. 1
    To the people of Germany:
    I, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force, do hereby proclaim as follows:
    1. The Allied Forces serving under my command have now entered Germany. We come as conquerors, but not as oppressors. In the area of Germany occupied by the forces under my command, we shall obliterate Naziism and German Militarism. We shall overthrow the Nazi rule, dissolve the Nazi Party and abolish the cruel, oppressive and discriminatory laws and institutions which the Party has created. We shall eradicate that German Militarism which has so often disrupted the peace of the world.
    The day on which the proclamations of all laws and decrees of the military government which are contained in this number of the official record of the military government is September 18, 1944, on which day the occupation began.

    Law No. 52: Blocking and Control of Property

    Article 1—Categories of Property
    1. All property within the occupied territory owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by any of the following is hereby declared to be subject to seizure of possession or title, direction, management, supervision or otherwise being taken into control by Military Government:

    (a) The German Reich, or any of the Länder, Gaue, or Provinces, or other similar political subdivisions or any agency or instrumentality thereof, including all utilities, undertakings, public corporations or monopolies under the control of any of the above.

    “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” (George Orwell)

    Following capitulation in 1945, German society underwent greater change as the result of the first four years of military occupation than it had experienced during twelve years of National Socialist rule. After 1945, the greatest destruction of books in history took place in Germany, with the object of extinguishing German culture and the collective German memory

    (Kontrollratsbefehl Nr. 4. “Einziehung von Literatur und Werken nationalsozialistischen und militaristi-schen Charakters,” May 13, 1946).

    In order to be able to carry out the planned re-education efficiently, a total of 35,743 titles and publications in libraries and bookshops were destroyed, including heroic legends and children’s books.

    (“Allied Censorship in post-war Germany,” Junge Freiheit, May 11, 2007.)

    An ironic statistic, given that book-burning has always been cited as an example of
    National Socialist extremism.

    The Allies agreed on the material to be removed. The goal was in the first place to annihilate in its innermost being the drawing power of a belief in an ethnic community and thus to prevent even the rudiments of a repetition of this apparently promising attempt to overcome liberal capitalism. This frantic campaign demonstrates how successful the threat to financial interests National Socialism and its use of barter instead of credit had been.

    It has been said that five and a half million schoolbooks, with altered ac-counts of German history, were rushed into print in the U.S. and introduced into re-opened German schools in October 1945.

    (“A coordinated system of control over German education and an affirmative program of reorientation will be established…” JCS 1067, Directive to Commander-in-Chief of United States Forces of Occupation Regarding the Military Government of Germany, April 1945)

    In view of these savage measures to obliterate German commonality, it is perhaps not surprising that young Germans today, the second and third post-war generations, have not only repudiated their fatherland, but actually praise the barbarous acts of the Allies, like the bombing of Dresden. In the context of air strikes between Britain and Germany only, strategic or “terror bombing” of civilians was begun by Britain when it bombed the Ruhr on May 11 (the day after Churchill became Prime Minister), Bremen and Hamburg on May 19, 1940. Germany bombed Rotterdam on May 14, but London first on September 7, 1940. The bombing of Dresden belongs in a category of its own: it was a real holocaust in the meaning of the word, and a crime against humanity.
    [T]he long suppressed story of the worst massacre in the history of the world. The devastation of Dresden in February 1945, was one of those crimes against humanity whose authors would have been arraigned at Nuremberg if that court had not been perverted.

    (Rt. Hon. Richard H.S. Cross-man, MP, Labour Government Minister.)
    * * *
    The senseless and highly culture-destroying terror acts, against for example, Lubeck and Dresden, carried out by the Allied pilots, should have been investigated and brought before a proper court of justice.

    (Major Gen-eral H. Bratt, Royal Swedish Army.)
    * * *
    Already, by 1944, it should have been clear to most people in the government that we would have to deal with… Germans once victory had been won… [W]e went on bombing German cities months and months after it had been clear that we would win, and that Stalin would be as potentially deadly an enemy. Some of the bombing was just pointless. In the last days of the war, we struck at the old gingerbread towns south of Wuerzburg,
    where there was no military target at all… just refugees, women and children. Of these acts of gratuitous sadism, the worst was the bombing of Dresden.

    (Norman Stone,Professor of Modern History at Oxford, Daily Mail)

    After the waves of 772 bombers had passed in the night, dropping phos-
    phorus bombs at a rate of one for every two people, on the following morning
    came low-flying aircraft, which chased and mowed down visible survivors. The
    strafing of columns of refugees by both American and British fighter planes
    was par for the course:

    [I]t is said that these [zoo] animals and terrified groups of refugees were machine-gunned as they tried to escape across the Grosser Garten by low-flying planes and that many bodies riddled by bullets were found later in this park.

    (Der Tod von Dresden, February 25, 1951)

    In Dresden, “even the huddled remnants of a children’s choir were machine-gunned in a street bordering a park.”

    (David Irving, The Destruction of Dresden, William Kimber, London 1963)

    In 1955 former West German chancellor Konrad Adenauer stated:

    On February 13, 1945, the attack on the city of Dresden, which was overcrowded with refugees, claimed about 250,000 victims.

    (Deutschland Heute, edited by the press and information service of the German federal
    government, Wiesbaden 1955, page 154.)

    In fact, 600,000 refugees from the east had joined the 600,000 inhabitants
    of the city, so that it may with confidence be asserted that as many as 500,000 were murdered. (This number has been gradually reduced in the synchronized mainstream press to around 25,000.) The temperature from the fires reached approximately 1,600 degrees C. The crowd of refugees at the main station had nowhere to flee; they were all consumed in the fire, their remains later burned on a huge pyre to prevent an epidemic.
    Novelist Kurt Vonnegut was in Dresden during the bombing:

    Yes, by our people (the British), I may say. You guys burnt the place down, turned it into a single column of flame. More people died there in the firestorm, in that one big flame, than died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.

    (The Independent, London, December 20, 2001, p. 19)
    * * *
    I am in full agreement [with terror bombing]. I am all for the bombing of working class areas in German cities. I am a Cromwellian. I believe in “slaying in the name of the Lord!”

    (Sir Archibald Sinclair, Secretary for Air.
    * * *
    Men, women and children too, ran hysterically, falling and stumbling, getting up, tripping and falling again, rolling over and over. Most of them managed to regain their feet and made it to the water. But many of them never made it and were left behind, their feet drumming in blinding pain on the overheated pavements amidst the rubble, until there came one last convulsing shudder from the smoking “thing” on the ground, and then no further movement.

    (Martin Caidin, The Night Hamburg Died, Ballantine Books, New York 1960)

    * * *
    I struggled to run against the wind in the middle of the street… We… couldn’t go on across… because the asphalt had melted. There were people on the roadway, some already dead, some still lying alive but stuck in the asphalt… They were on their hands and knees screaming.” 19-year-old Kate Hoffmeister

    (Kent D. Shifferd, From War to Peace: a Guide to the Next Hundred Years, McFarland, Jefferson, N.C., 2011, p. 32)
    * * *
    Phosphorous burns were not in-frequent.

    (U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey)
    * * *
    Phosphorous was used because of its demonstrated ability to depress the morale of the Germans.

    (Official British source)
    * * *
    A nation which spreads over another a sheet of inevitably deadly gases or eradicates entire cities from the earth by the explosion of atomic bombs, does not have the right to judge anyone for war crimes; it has already committed the greatest atrocity equal to no other atrocity; it has killed—amidst unspeakable torments— hundreds of thousands of innocent people.
    (Hon. Lydio Machado Bandeira de Mello, Professor of Criminal Law; author of more than 40 works on law/philosophy.)
    * * *
    As for crimes against humanity, those governments which ordered the destruction of German cities, thereby destroying irreplaceable cultural values and making burning torches out of women and children, should also have stood before the bar of justice.

    (Hon. Jaan Lattik. Estonian statesman, diplomat and historian.)
    * * *
    It is one of the greatest triumphs of modern emotional engineering that, in spite of the plain facts of the case which could never be disguised or even materially distorted, the British public, throughout the Blitz Period (1940-1941), remained convinced that the entire responsibility for their sufferings rested on the German leaders.

    (F.J.P. Veale,Advance to Barbarism, C.C. Nelson, Appleton, Wis., 1953)
    * * *



    Comment by Buddy Silver | January 23, 2018 | Reply

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